I have 10 years of experience as Assistant Professor/teaching coach/Tutor in higher education. I am doctorate and UGC NET-JRF in 3 Subjects. I believe in practical learning. I am proficient in developing new Te
chniques and modules in meditative format to expand learning opportunities and in giving conceptual knowledge. I've helped many students to increase their ability of learning in [Yoga, Philosophy, Geography, Sanskrit]. I would like to help more students about how to love their subject.
Educational Qualifications
Jawahar Lal Nehru University New Delhi - 2014 PHD in Sanskrit
Jawahar Lal Nehru University New Delhi - 2009 M.phil in Yoga
Jawahar Lal Nehru University New Delhi - 2006 M.A. in Sanskrit
Mds University Ajmer - 2013 Philosophy in M.a.
Uttarakhand Open University Nainital - 2020 M.A. in Yoga
University Grant Commision - 2007 UGC NET JRF in Sanskrit
University Grant Commision - 2013 UGC NET JRF in Philosophy
University Grant Commision Nta - 2020 UGC NET JRF in Yoga
NutritionPhilosophyPost Graduate Common Entrance TestResearch MethodologySanskritUGC NET Exam CoachingYoga
EnglishHuman Resource ManagementMBAUGC NET Exam CoachingPrinciples of ManagementOrganizational behaviorManagementManagement Principals and Applications
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