I am currently pursuing MBA from LBSIM, Delhi. Having secured a PPO from Asian Paints, I wanted to follow another passion of mine - teaching. Marketing and branding are two subjects that excite me a lot.
I have been teaching these two subjects to my peers and juniors for the past 6 months and believe that I can guide you well. A strong believer in the process as compared to the result, I focus on the "WHY".
One session with me and you will share my love for these two areas of expertise.
Educational Qualifications
Aicte - 2021 MBA in Marketing
MarketingMarketing ManagementDigital MarketingPrinciples of MarketingBranding & Advertising
Class XIClass XIIBBAB.TechMBAUndergraduatePostgraduate
For Boards:
Central Board of Secondary EducationIndian Certificate of Secondary EducationUniversity Grants CommissionAll India Council for Technical Education
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