Strong interpersonal skills in working with students to help them achieve and succeed. Have written study books adopted by colleges and school to help students improve their skills in Electrical engineering sub
jects ,mathematics and physics. Have qualified The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), an examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science. Currently teaching in graduate academy,have 4 year experience.
Educational Qualifications
Rgpv Bhopal - 2017 MASTERS OF TECHNOLOGY in Control System
Rgpv Bhopal - 2014 BACHELORS OF ENGINEERING in Electrical Engineering
MathematicsPhysicsControl SystemBasic Electrical EngineeringCircuit Theory & NetworksDigital ElectronicsE CommerceElectrical EngineeringEngineering Entrance CoachingGate ExamIIT CoachingPower System GenerationMathematics IAMathematics IBMathematics IIAMathematics IIB
Class VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.Tech
For Boards:
Central Board of Secondary EducationIndian Certificate of Secondary EducationBoard of School Education HaryanaBoard of Secondary Education Madhya Pradesh
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