I am Masters in Information Technology having Experience of 6 years in teaching. I love teaching and teaching is my passion. Each student is unique one and they have their own learning style. I create friend ly environment and teach by giving real life examples. I make them understand each and every topic with perfection. By studying with me you will improve a lot and will enjoy studying with me.
Mumbai University - 2015
ME in Information Technology in Information Technology
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 201310
Bangalore [Bangalore], Karnataka, 560043
Gurgaon, Haryana, 122001
Bangalore [Bangalore], Karnataka, 560054
Pune, Maharashtra, 411057
Kolkata, West Bengal, 700150
Salt Lake City, West Bengal, 700102
Kolkata [Calcutta], West Bengal, 700012
Kolkata, West Bengal, 700104
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