Having faced a number of exams- competitive as well as regular courses, & finally joining Income tax Dept, Ministry of Finance, i'm a person who understands ifs & buts of exams as well as prepare my students fo
r their contingency plans.
Not all students are same, so use custom teaching as per different needs of my students. I believe, that every student can't reach to IIMs or Grade 1 jobs, but definitely he or she can make life a better deal to reach as per his/her own potential. I Help HERE.
Educational Qualifications
Banaras Hindu University (bhu) - 2020 MBA International Business in Management
Banaras Hindu University (bhu) - 2016 MSc (tech) in Geophysics
Banaras Hindu University (bhu) - 2013 B.Sc Hons in Geology
Banaras Hindu University (bhu) - 2019 Diploma in Yoga
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