I am a Computer Engineer/ Professional Teacher cum Trainer.. I have studied Computer Science & Technology from Jadavpur University. I am working as a Senior Penetration Tester cum Digital Forensic Expert. Previ
ously I was a Network Engineer. Before that I worked as a web developer cum senior Software Developer. I give Training on Cybersecurity, Networking, Web Development, Software Development, Digital Forensic.
Educational Qualifications
Apc Roy Polytechnic - 2016 Diploma in Computer Science
Computer SciencePythonCC++Communication SkillComputer Application in BusinessComputer ArchitectureComputer NetworkComputer OrganisationComputer Science And EngineeringComputers Applications in ManagementCryptography And Network SecurityJavaWeb Technology
Central Board of Secondary EducationInternational BaccalaureateUniversity Grants CommissionDirectorate of Higher Secondary EducationNational Institute of Open Schooling
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