Saumya De, a Master of Arts in English from University of Calcutta, has studied 'Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages' at University of Maryland, Baltimore County; 'Professional Development for Teach
er Trainers' at Arizona State University and 'Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom' at Iowa State University.
Educational Qualifications
University Of Calcutta - 2010 B.A. in English
University Of Calcutta - 2012 M.A. in English
Class IXClass XClass XIClass XIICompetitive ExamLanguagesGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduate
For Boards:
Central Board of Secondary EducationIndian Certificate of Secondary EducationUniversity Grants CommissionCouncil for Indian School Certificate Examinations West Bengal Board of Secondary EducationWest Bengal Council Of Higher Secondary EducationUnion Public Service Commission
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