I am an Assistant Professor in an Engineering College. I have 12 years of teaching experience in B.tech and Diploma engineering Courses. I belongs to ECE Department. I can teach MPMC, VLSI, DSP, Digital and Ana
log Electronics subjects.
I prefer to teach online in the evening time. I can complete the whole syllabus in time.
My charge for each course completion is 5000 rupees.
I can teach 1 hour and 30 mins per day for an individual. 50% of the course completion amount in advance must paid.
Educational Qualifications
Bput - 2011 M.Tech in Electronics And Communications
Vit University - 2008 B.Tech in Electronics And Communications
Cedti - 2004 Diploma engineering in Electronics Engineering
Digital ElectronicsMicroelectronics & VLSI designMicroprocessor & MicrocontrollersRF and Microwave Engg.
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