Ruchir Shukla is a professional Guitarist and a Music Producer working in the industry for the past 13 years. He has been performing with celebrities and bands around the country and the globe. To name some - R
avindra Jain JI, Suresh Wadekar, Shaan, Sadhna Sargam, Shibani Kashyap, Shahid Mallaya, Mansheel Gujral, Ravindra Upadhyaya, Rajnigandha Shekhawat and many more. He has also shared the stage with Legendary Bhajan Singer Anoop Jalota Ji, Lalit Pandit Etc.
EnglishHuman Resource ManagementMBAUGC NET Exam CoachingPrinciples of ManagementOrganizational behaviorManagementManagement Principals and Applications
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