Hello students, I am Navdisha Arora. I have an experience of 3 years of tutoring class 11 & 12 in Commerce stream. I am just like you as I am pursuing M.Com. As I have recently passed my graduation, I know bet
ter the problems which students face in their preparation. With excellent Academic records, I passed Intermediate and Graduation and also qualified NET Exam in first attempt. Teaching is my passion and I also teach graduation subjects in the same background.Please contact for more details.
Educational Qualifications
Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak - 2019 B.Com Honours in Commerce
MathematicsSocial ScienceAccountancyEconomicsScienceEnvironmental StudiesAccounting for ManagersBBA Entrance CoachingBusiness communicationBusiness EconomicsBusiness Ethics & Corporate goveranceBusiness LawsBusiness OrganisationBusiness Organization and EnvironmentComputerComputer Application in BusinessCookingCorporate AccountingCost AccountingE CommerceFinancial AccountingFinancial Accounting And ManagementFinancial ManagementFundamentals Of AccountingHuman Resource ManagementIncome Tax LawInternational BusinessLogical ReasoningMakeupManagement AccountingManagement Information SystemManagerial EconomicsMarketingMarketing ManagementMicro and Macro EconomicsOrganization commerce and managementPresentation skillsPublic SpeakingRetail ManagementStatisticsUGC NET Exam CoachingMs OfficeIndian Economic DevelopmentBusiness StudiesEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPersonality Development Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Healthy LifestyleCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Parent Child Counselling ServicesStress Counselling ServicesSpiritual Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfBeauticianPersonal GroomingCommerceBusiness ManagementDirect taxBusinessAccountsTaxationPrinciples of MarketingPrinciples of Management
Class VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass XIClass XIIB.ComBBAM.ComMBAExtra CurriculumGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduate
For Boards:
Central Board of Secondary EducationIndian Certificate of Secondary EducationAssam Higher Secondary Education CouncilBihar School Examination BoardBoard of High School and Intermediate EducationUttar PradeshBoard of School Education HaryanaCouncil for Indian School Certificate Examinations Goa Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary EducationGujrat Secondary & Higher Secondary Education Board Haryana Open SchoolJammu and Kashmir State Board of School EducationKarnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Kurukshetra UniversityCentral University of HaryanaUniversity of DelhiAmity University
Communication SkillPublic SpeakingPersonality Development Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Spiritual Counselling ServicesLife Skills & Career Guidance
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