I am diligent, non tardy and I have been home tutoring for about two years. I assist students on their assignments for basic understanding, I provide them a creative format and proper study guidance, techniques
and aides for their assignments and future assessments.
I also speak five languages ( English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil and conversational French )
The basic task for me at hand would be to review mistakes, answer questions and prepare students from preventable errors.
Educational Qualifications
Impact School Of Architecture - 2023 Bachelors in Architecture in
MathematicsEnglishPhysicsChemistryBiologyHindi (Group - A)
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IX
EnglishHuman Resource ManagementMBAUGC NET Exam CoachingPrinciples of ManagementOrganizational behaviorManagementManagement Principals and Applications
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