Hi , I am Deeksha Kapoor Khanna from Delhi and now settled in Noida, UP. I've graduated from Delhi University and along side pursued French language course from Alliance Francaise de Delhi. I then worked with s
chools in Delhi, such as GD Goenka, Ryan International. Afterwards I got into corporate training that included Personality Development,, French and English and now IELTS, CELPIP and PTE. I have been doing this for last 7-8 years. I have helped about 1000 students score 8 bands.
Educational Qualifications
Delhi University - 2012 Graduate in Commerce
British Council - 2014 Train The trainer in Ielts
Pearsons - 2020 PTE Advanced Trainer in Pte
EnglishCELPIP CoachingIELTS Trainning
PostgraduateBSc Nursing
For Board:
International General Certificate of Secondary Education
EnglishHuman Resource ManagementMBAUGC NET Exam CoachingPrinciples of ManagementOrganizational behaviorManagementManagement Principals and Applications
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