I am a Masters in Multimedia with Specialization in Animation. I love science. I professionally bridge science, aesthetics and functionality. I'm a pretty cool person to hang out with and solve your problems. N
o worries, not too friendly, not too strict, but definitely effective!
Educational Qualifications
Calcutta University - 2020 Masters of Science in Multimedia And Animation
MathematicsPhysicsComputer ScienceSciencePhysical ScienceAnimation & MultimediaCC++ComputerComputer Application in BusinessComputer GraphicsComputer Science And EngineeringComputers Applications in ManagementDrawing & PaintingGuitarHTMLInternet TechnologyLogical ReasoningModern Computer ApplicationSpoken EnglishWeb TechnologyMs OfficeGW Basic ProgrammingDigital MarketingUkuleleMusical InstrumentsLife Skills & Career GuidanceBranding & AdvertisingSynthesizerEarly childhood education
Central Board of Secondary EducationIndian Certificate of Secondary EducationUniversity Grants CommissionWest Bengal Board of Secondary EducationWest Bengal Council Of Higher Secondary Education
Communication SkillPublic SpeakingPersonality Development Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Spiritual Counselling ServicesLife Skills & Career Guidance
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