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Curriculum Vitae DR. CHARU KHANNA Father’s Name: ( Late)Dr.U.C.Sharma (Retd.,Prof.,Bareilly College,Dept. of Commerce) Mother’s Name: Late(Dr.)Mridula Sharma Date of Birth: February 14, 1976 Marital status: Married Gender Female Permanent & Present Address for Correspondence: 99,Mega Dream Homes,Karamchari Nagar, Bareilly India Mobile
Mjpru - 2002
Doctorate in Chemistry in Chemistry
Pune, Maharashtra, 411057
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Dhanbad, Jharkhand, 828104
New Delhi, Delhi, 110018
Hyderabad, Telangana, 500028
Bangalore [Bangalore], Karnataka, 560013
Jagtial, Telangana, 505327
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