I believe to be the change I believe in .
My name is Ansh Mishra , an Engineering Graduate in Mechanical engineering , I love Science in any form
Since my childhood I wonder how things work and what are all
reasons behind them .
I find my some of the answers and searching for more , meanwhile want to help students, kids and individuals who are just curious about things and want to find answers like me .
Come and join me to unlock your potential and learn day by day !
Educational Qualifications
Rajiv Gandhi Prodyugoiki Vishwavidyalaya - 2023 Bachelors of Technology in Mechanical
EnglishSciencePhysical ScienceLife ScienceIndustrial EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMechanics of SolidsOther EngineeringMaterial ScienceEarth Science
Class VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIB.TechKidsChildrenYouthUndergraduate
For Boards:
Central Board of Secondary EducationAll India Council for Technical Education
Communication SkillPublic SpeakingPersonality Development Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Spiritual Counselling ServicesLife Skills & Career Guidance
EnglishHuman Resource ManagementMBAUGC NET Exam CoachingPrinciples of ManagementOrganizational behaviorManagementManagement Principals and Applications
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