Er. Abhishek Kumar did his bachelor's in ECE from West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata in 2013. He started his professional career with the in the Automation and Control Industry and worked there until
December 2016. In Jan. 2017, He further moved to a new role as a Design and Consultant Engineer and worked there for two years. In January 2019, he joined IIIT Delhi, where he is currently working as a Research Engineer and manages various teaching and training works.
Educational Qualifications
West Bengal University Of Technology - 2013 B. Tech in Electronics And Communication Engineering
MathematicsPhysicsAnalog CommunicationCircuit Theory & NetworksDigital ElectronicsEngineering MathematicsBasic Electronics
Class XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaB.Tech
For Boards:
Central Board of Secondary EducationIndian Certificate of Secondary EducationUniversity Grants CommissionBihar School Examination Board
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