I am Abdul Hadi, 19yrs old. I have known for my punctuality, sincerity and good acedemics record in my school. I can speak three languages fluently these are English, Hindi and Urdu. I have scored 9cgpa I'm 10
class and 92â„…in +2. And I being the topper of subjects such as Biology, Physics, Physical Education etc. I want to give my 100â„… to my coming generation and youth as well that I have through my teaching skills. I know how to make students understand the topics of my age group or below that.
Central Board of Secondary EducationIndian Certificate of Secondary EducationInternational General Certificate of Secondary EducationInternational BaccalaureateBihar Intermediate Education CouncilBihar School Examination BoardBoard of High School and Intermediate EducationUttar PradeshBoard of School Education UttarakhandPunjab School Education BoardWest Bengal Board of Madrasah EducationWest Bengal Board of Primary EducationWest Bengal Board of Secondary EducationWest Bengal Council Of Higher Secondary EducationCambridge Board
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