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Dont worry , i am here for you

Mahasamund, Mahasamund, Chhattisgarh, 493445

Dont worry , i am here for you

Mahasamund, Mahasamund, Chhattisgarh, 493445

EnglishChemistrySocial Science
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KG to PG TUITIONS (Online & Home)

Hyderabad, Telangana, 500085

KG to PG TUITIONS (Online & Home)

Hyderabad, Telangana, 500085

MathematicsEnglishPolitical ScienceEnglish (Group-B)PhysicsChemistryBiologyHindiHindi (Group - A)Hindi (Group - B)Social ScienceComputer ScienceAccountancyEconomicsHistoryGeographyPsychologyEnglish (Group-A)ScienceBengaliBengali (Group - A)Bengali (Group - B)Physical ScienceLife ScienceEnvironmental StudiesHealth and Physical EducationNTSE exam coachingControl SystemPythonICWA CoachingCLAT CoachingMCAT CoachingTOEIC CoachingOET Exam CoachingCPA CoachingAcca Exam CoachingAccounting for ManagersAccounting Information SystemsAcet CoachingACT Exam CoachingADDADHDAdvance Placement Testes CoachingAFCAT CoachingAgronomyAIEEEAIIMSAlternative EnglishAmie CoachingAmiete CoachingAnalog CommunicationAnimation & MultimediaAnthropologyArabicArtificial IntelligenceAssameseAssembly Language ProgrammingAutomataB.Ed Entrance CoachingBank Clerical Exam CoachingBanking and InsuranceBanking Regulations & OperationsBanking Technology and ManagementBasic Electrical EngineeringBBA Entrance CoachingBelly DanceBhangra Dance ClassesBharatnatyam Dance ClassesBio-ChemistryBio-Medical ScienceBiotechnologyBollywood Dance ClassesBootstrapBotanyBusiness communicationBusiness EconomicsBusiness Ethics & Corporate goveranceBusiness LawsBusiness OrganisationBusiness Organization and EnvironmentBusiness Research MethodsCC++CA CoachingCALLB Exam CoachingCareer Counselling For Studies AbroadCDCS CoachingCELPIP CoachingCentral Teacher Eligibility CoachingCeptam CoachingCET CoachingChemical EngineeringChineseChoreography ClassesCircuit Theory & NetworksCivil EngineeringCMA (Cost and Management Accountant)CMA CoachingCollege Essay CoachingComedk CoachingCommunication SkillCompany SecretaryCompany Secretary (CS) CoachingCompiler DesignComputerComputer Application in BusinessComputer ArchitectureComputer GraphicsComputer NetworkComputer OrganisationComputer Science And EngineeringComputers Applications in ManagementCookingCorporate AccountingCorporate Environment Cost AccountingCryptography And Network SecurityCsir NetD.MathData And File StructuresData StructureDatabase Management SystemDataware House & Data MiningDc And Ac MachinesDesign & Analysis Of AlgorithmsDesign Entrance Exam CoachingDHA License ExamDigital ElectronicsDigital Electronics & Logic DesignDigital Signal ProcessingDiploma Cet CoachingDrawing & PaintingDSHDSSSB Exam CoachingDyslexiaE-BusinessE CommerceEconomic GeographyEducationElectrical And Electronics Measuring InstrumentsElectrical EngineeringElectrical Engineering DrawingElectronicsElectronics And Communication EngineeringEmail WritingEmbedded SystemsEngineering Entrance CoachingEnglish OlympiadEnvironmental Management & Corporate Social ResponsibilityFinancial AccountingFinancial Accounting And ManagementFinancial DerivativesFinancial ManagementFinancial Systems and ServicesFine Arts & CraftsFluid MechanicsFormal Language & Automata TheoryFrenchFundamentals Of AccountingGate ExamGeneral KnowledgeGeologyGermanGMAT CoachingGRE CoachingGuitarGujaratiHAAD License ExamHigh Voltage EngineeringHindustani MusicHip Hop Dance ClassesHome ManagementHomi Bhabha Exam CoachingHotel Management Entrance CoachingHTMLHuman Resource ManagementIBPS Exams CoachingIIT CoachingIit Jam CoachingIncome Tax LawIndia Socio Political Economics System & Current AffairsIndian Financial SystemIndustrial EngineeringInformation TechnologyInformation Technology ManagementInternational BusinessInternational Environment and ManagementInternet TechnologyInvestment Analysis And Portfolio ManagementJALLB Exam CoachingJavaJavascriptJournalismJQueryJudicial Service Exam CoachingKas Exam CoachingKathak Dance ClassesLAWCET CoachingLearning DisabilityLogical ReasoningLSAT Exam CoachingMakeupMalayalamManagement AccountingManagement Information SystemManagement ProcessManagement ScienceManagerial EconomicsManagerial Skill DevelopmentMarathiMarketingMarketing ManagementMath OlympiadMBAMBA Entrance CoachingMechanical EngineeringMechanics of SolidsMedical Entrance CoachingMFA (Master of Financial Administration)Micro and Macro EconomicsMicro-BiologyMicroelectronics & VLSI designMicroprocessor & MicrocontrollersModern Computer ApplicationModern TibetanMOH License ExamMusicNata CoachingNational Entrance Screening Test CoachingNational Scholarship Exam CoachingNeet Ug CoachingNepali (Group - A)Nepali (Group - B)Nift CoachingNISM CoachingNmat Exam CoachingNon Verbal AptitudeNutritionObject Technology & UmlObject Oriented Analysis And DesignOperating SystemOperation ResearchOral And Wireless CommunicationOrganization commerce and managementOriyaOther EngineeringPaliPerlPersianPersonal Tax PlanningPhilosophyPhotographyPHPPhysiologyPianoPost Graduate Common Entrance TestPower ElectronicsPower System GenerationPresentation skillsPrinciple of Communication EnggProblem Solving And ProgrammingProduction and Operations ManagementProject ManagementPSAT/NMSQT CoachingPSC Exam CoachingPTE Academic Exam CoachingPublic AdministrationPublic Sector Undertaking ExamPublic SpeakingPunjabiPunjabi SpeakingQuantitative AptitudeQuantitative MethodsQuantitative Methods for BusinessRailway ExamRbi ExamResearch MethodologyRetail ManagementRF and Microwave Engg.Risk ManagementRussianSanskritSantaliSbi ExamScience OlympiadServices ManagementSingingSlow LearnersSociologySoftware EngineeringSpanish LanguageSpoken EnglishSSB CoachingStaff Selection Commission ExamStatistical TechniquesStatisticsSub-Inspector Exam CoachingSwimmingSwitch Gear ProductionSystem Software And AdministrationTamilTeluguTestDafTET CoachingTOEFL CoachingTransmission And DistributionUGC NET Exam CoachingUnix Shell ProgrammingUPSC Exams CoachingUrduUSMLE CoachingVerbal AptitudeViolinVisual ProgrammingWeb TechnologyYogaZoologyOracleMs OfficeGW Basic ProgrammingVisual BasicMS DOSCPTIPCCGeotechnical EngineeringBuilding ConstructionBuilding MaterialsRCC DesignTransportation EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringSurveyingEarthquake EngineeringHydraulic StructureAdvanced Reinforced Concrete StructuresWater Resources EngineeringIrrigation EngineeringLiteratureRoboticsAnatomyForensic Medicine & ToxicologyMicrobiologyPathologyPharmacologyAnesthesiologyCommunity MedicineDermatology & VenereologyMedicineObstetrics & GynecologyOphthalmologyOrthopaedicsOtorhinolaryngologyPaediatricsPsychiatrySurgeryIndian Economic DevelopmentDigital MarketingAutoCADHospital PlanningBusiness StudiesGlobal PerspectivesSpoken NepaliReading & WritingUKG All SubjectsUKG LanguageUKG NumbersUKG General AwarenessUKG Environmental ScienceUKG Other ActivitiesMathematics IAMathematics IBMathematics IIAMathematics IIBNDA MathematicsASP.NETSocial StudiesEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPersonality Development Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Healthy LifestyleCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Parent Child Counselling ServicesDepression Counselling ServicesCouple Conflict Counselling ServicesPost Marriage Counselling ServicesOpposite Sex Counselling ServicesStress Counselling ServicesSpiritual Counselling ServicesStress Counselling in PondicherryPre Marriage Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfCounselling Services for CorporatesCounselling Services for Pregnant WomenCounselling Services for Personal ProblemsCounselling Services for Sexual HarassmentWellnessAerobicsPhysical FitnessWeight LossSlimmingBeauticianPersonal GroomingMagicVedic MathsNDA CoachingFinancial Risk ManagerCertified Fraud ExaminerSAPScalaBig DataData ScienceHadoopApache SparkSpoken HindiSpoken BengaliMetallurgical EngineeringMetallurgical Engineering CrystallographyJapaneseCivicsCommerceDanceBusiness ManagementModern Indian LanguageHome ScienceUkuleleBass guitarMandolinLegal StudiesDirect taxClassical musicKannadaIntroduction to Logistics and SCMTransportation & Distribution ManagementWarehousing & Inventory ManagementImport & ExportInternational Trade MattersForeign Trade MattersElectronics
KindergartenClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaBAB.ScB.ComBBABCAB.TechLLBMAM.ScM.ComMBAMCAM.TechMBBSCompetitive ExamProgramming LanguagesWeb TechnologyExtra CurriculumLanguagesDanceBHAMHASSCCivil Services ExamB.EdB.El.EdB.ArchITIPolytechnicNursingKidsChildrenHobbyistYouthLLMChartered Accountant
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Spreading the power of knowledge

Vijayawada, Krishna, Andhra Pradesh, 520002

Spreading the power of knowledge

Vijayawada, Krishna, Andhra Pradesh, 520002

Political ScienceAccountancyEconomicsBank Clerical Exam CoachingBanking and InsuranceBanking Regulations & OperationsBanking Technology and ManagementBBA Entrance CoachingBusiness EconomicsBusiness Ethics & Corporate goveranceBusiness LawsBusiness OrganisationBusiness Organization and EnvironmentCommunication SkillCookingE-BusinessE CommerceFinancial AccountingFinancial Accounting And ManagementFinancial ManagementGeneral KnowledgeIBPS Exams CoachingIncome Tax LawIndian Financial SystemManagerial EconomicsMBAMBA Entrance CoachingOrganization commerce and managementPersonal Tax PlanningPublic Sector Undertaking ExamRbi ExamRetail ManagementSbi ExamSSB CoachingStaff Selection Commission ExamIndian Economic DevelopmentDigital MarketingSocial StudiesEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPersonality Development Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Healthy LifestyleCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Stress Counselling ServicesSpiritual Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Pregnant WomenCommerceBusiness ManagementDirect tax
Class IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.ComBBAMAM.ComMBACompetitive ExamSSCCivil Services ExamKidsChildrenYouth
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Music can change the world because it can change people , #Guitar Teacher...

Raipur, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, 492001

Music can change the world because it can change people , #Guitar Teacher...

Raipur, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, 492001

Hindustani MusicMusicClassical musicMusical Instruments
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Stop for quality and better understanding of concepts by the students with live examples...

Delhi, North Delhi, Delhi, 110008

Stop for quality and better understanding of concepts by the students with live examples...

Delhi, North Delhi, Delhi, 110008

MathematicsEnglishChemistryBiologyHindiHindi (Group - A)Hindi (Group - B)Social ScienceComputer ScienceHistoryGeographyEnglish (Group-A)ScienceEnvironmental StudiesPythonAFCAT CoachingAIEEESpoken EnglishDepression Counselling ServicesCouple Conflict Counselling ServicesPost Marriage Counselling ServicesPre Marriage Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Personal ProblemsSpoken Hindi
Class VIIIClass IXClass XClass XI
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Smart educator for smart future

Chattar Pur, South Delhi, Delhi, 110074

Smart educator for smart future

Chattar Pur, South Delhi, Delhi, 110074

Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.ScCompetitive ExamSSCCivil Services ExamNEET
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Teaching in a new way

Bulandshahar, Khurja, Uttar Pradesh, 203131

Teaching in a new way

Bulandshahar, Khurja, Uttar Pradesh, 203131

Political ScienceHistoryGeography
Class X
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Guiding bright minds.. Nothing is Impossible..

Fatehgarh, Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh, 209601

Guiding bright minds.. Nothing is Impossible..

Fatehgarh, Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh, 209601

EnglishPolitical ScienceBiologyHindiSocial ScienceComputer ScienceAccountancyEconomicsHistoryGeographyPhysical ScienceEnvironmental StudiesChemical EngineeringComputerFrenchOperating SystemUPSC Exams CoachingGeneral Studies
Class IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaB.ScBBAMBAMCACompetitive ExamLanguagesChildren
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Science tutor with 2 yrs. exp.

Tilda Newra, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, 493114

Science tutor with 2 yrs. exp.

Tilda Newra, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, 493114

PhysicsScienceNTSE exam coachingAIEEEAmie CoachingB.Ed Entrance CoachingCC++Career Counselling For Studies AbroadCentral Teacher Eligibility CoachingChemical EngineeringCsir NetEducationEngineering Entrance CoachingGate ExamGeneral KnowledgeHTMLIIT CoachingMath OlympiadMBA Entrance CoachingNutritionOther EngineeringPSC Exam CoachingScience OlympiadTET CoachingTOEFL CoachingAutoCADPersonality Development Counselling ServicesNDA CoachingSpoken HindiEngineering MathematicsAgricultureEngineering DrawingCurrent AffairsAdvanced English GrammarSentence StructureHindi GrammerApplied MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsCore JavaBasic ElectronicsEnvironmental ScienceInformation PracticesIELTS TrainningElectronics
Class VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaB.ScB.TechM.ScM.TechCompetitive ExamProgramming LanguagesLanguagesCivil Services ExamB.EdPolytechnicChildrenJEE MainJEE AdvancedIITGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduatePGDCA
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Provide you the understanding of topics very precisly and creative will make u able to learn subject...

Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, 211003

Provide you the understanding of topics very precisly and creative will make u able to learn subject...

Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, 211003

MathematicsEnglishPolitical ScienceEnglish (Group-B)PhysicsChemistryBiologyHindiSocial ScienceComputer ScienceAccountancyEconomicsHistoryGeographyPsychologyScienceLife ScienceEnvironmental StudiesArtificial IntelligenceBank Clerical Exam CoachingBanking and InsuranceBusiness communicationBusiness EconomicsBusiness LawsC++ComputerComputer Application in BusinessComputer ArchitectureComputer GraphicsComputer NetworkComputer OrganisationComputer Science And EngineeringComputers Applications in ManagementData And File StructuresData StructureDatabase Management SystemDataware House & Data MiningDesign & Analysis Of AlgorithmsEducationEmail WritingEmbedded SystemsEngineering Entrance CoachingHuman Resource ManagementInformation TechnologyInformation Technology ManagementInternet TechnologyManagement Information SystemManagement ProcessManagerial Skill DevelopmentObject Oriented Analysis And DesignOperating SystemOperation ResearchOral And Wireless CommunicationQuantitative AptitudeRailway ExamSoftware EngineeringMs OfficeEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Parent Child Counselling ServicesDepression Counselling ServicesOpposite Sex Counselling ServicesStress Counselling ServicesSpiritual Counselling ServicesStress Counselling in PondicherryPre Marriage Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfCounselling Services for CorporatesWellnessPhysical FitnessSpoken HindiBusiness Management
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIBAB.ScBCACompetitive ExamProgramming LanguagesWeb TechnologyExtra CurriculumLanguagesB.EdKidsChildrenYouth
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I am Subrata Sir your friend , philosopher and guide...

Kolkata, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, 700056

I am Subrata Sir your friend , philosopher and guide...

Kolkata, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, 700056

EnglishPolitical ScienceAccountancyEconomicsHistoryGeographyBengaliBank Clerical Exam CoachingBanking and InsuranceBusiness EconomicsBusiness OrganisationBusiness Organization and EnvironmentEconomic GeographyFinancial ManagementHuman Resource ManagementIndia Socio Political Economics System & Current AffairsIndian Financial SystemInternational BusinessManagerial Skill DevelopmentMarketing ManagementMicro and Macro EconomicsOrganization commerce and managementSbi ExamIndian Economic DevelopmentReading & WritingSpoken BengaliCommerceBusiness Management
Competitive ExamCivil Services ExamLLM
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Helping Students To Reach Their Potential

Bangalore [Bangalore], Bangalore, Karnataka, 560038

Helping Students To Reach Their Potential

Bangalore [Bangalore], Bangalore, Karnataka, 560038

MathematicsEnglishPhysicsChemistrySocial ScienceAccountancyEconomicsHistoryGeographyScienceArabicCommunication SkillEmail WritingFinancial AccountingGeneral KnowledgeHTMLMarketingNutritionOperating SystemPublic SpeakingSpoken EnglishStatisticsUrduMs OfficeMS DOSDigital MarketingBusiness StudiesReading & WritingUKG All SubjectsUKG LanguageUKG General AwarenessMathematics IAMathematics IBMathematics IIAMathematics IIBNDA MathematicsSocial StudiesEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPersonality Development Counselling ServicesParent Child Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfWellnessPersonal GroomingVedic MathsSpoken HindiCivicsCommerceBusiness ManagementBusinessAccountsPrinciples of MarketingAlphabetsNumbersVocabulary buildingSentence StructureHindi GrammerApplied MathematicsOrganic chemistryBusiness StatisticsEnvironmental Science
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.ComWeb TechnologyLanguagesKidsChildrenYouthGraduateUndergraduatePGDCANurseryPre-Nursery
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Panacea for all the Subjects

Abu Road, Sirohi, Rajasthan, 307026

Panacea for all the Subjects

Abu Road, Sirohi, Rajasthan, 307026

EnglishPolitical SciencePhysicsChemistryBiologyComputer ScienceEconomicsGeographyScienceEnvironmental StudiesIndia Socio Political Economics System & Current Affairs
Class VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIICompetitive ExamLanguagesSSCCivil Services Exam
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Strive for excellence.

Navi Mumbai Panvel, Raigarhmh, Maharashtra, 410209

Strive for excellence.

Navi Mumbai Panvel, Raigarhmh, Maharashtra, 410209

MathematicsPhysicsChemistryBiologyScienceMCAT CoachingAIEEEChemical EngineeringD.MathGate ExamIIT CoachingNational Scholarship Exam CoachingPSAT/NMSQT CoachingQuantitative AptitudeQuantitative MethodsQuantitative Methods for BusinessRailway ExamRbi ExamYogaEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPhysical FitnessWeight LossVedic Maths
Class VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.ScB.TechMBACompetitive ExamLanguagesJEE AdvancedNEETIITGraduate
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Education is not about only learning, its about shaping mind, building great character and life. tui...

Ranchi, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 835219

Education is not about only learning, its about shaping mind, building great character and life. tui...

Ranchi, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 835219

MathematicsEnglishEnglish (Group-B)PhysicsChemistryBiologyHindiHindi (Group - A)Hindi (Group - B)Computer ScienceGeographyEnglish (Group-A)ScienceLife ScienceEnvironmental StudiesHealth and Physical EducationAlternative EnglishBio-ChemistryBio-Medical ScienceBiotechnologyBotanyMicro-BiologyPhysiologySpoken EnglishAnatomyMicrobiologyUKG Environmental ScienceMathematics IASpoken HindiEarth ScienceAtmospheric SciencePlanetary ScienceEnvironmentDental AnatomyAdvanced English GrammarHindi GrammerOrganic chemistryChessEnvironmental ScienceBiological Science
KindergartenClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaCompetitive ExamExtra CurriculumLanguagesITIPolytechnicNursingKidsChildrenHobbyistYouthJEE MainNEETIITUndergraduateBSc Nursing
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Actions over words.(Physics,Chemistry,Botany,Zoology)(English,Hindi,Socialstudies,Geography,Science,...

Warora, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, 442914

Actions over words.(Physics,Chemistry,Botany,Zoology)(English,Hindi,Socialstudies,Geography,Science,...

Warora, Chandrapur, Maharashtra, 442914

MathematicsEnglishPolitical ScienceEnglish (Group-B)PhysicsChemistryBiologyHindiSocial ScienceComputer ScienceHistoryGeographyScienceLife ScienceEnvironmental StudiesPythonAIIMSArtificial IntelligenceBio-ChemistryBiotechnologyBotanyCC++CET CoachingCommunication SkillComputer Science And EngineeringData StructureEngineering Entrance CoachingInformation TechnologyJavaMarathiNeet Ug CoachingEnvironmental Science
KindergartenClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XII
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Mathematics And Physics

Mathura, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, 281004

Mathematics And Physics

Mathura, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, 281004

MathematicsPhysicsScienceC++Data StructureIIT CoachingNDA Coaching
Class XCompetitive ExamWeb TechnologySSCJEE Main
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Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, 110092


Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, 110092

MathematicsEnglishPolitical ScienceBiologySocial ScienceEconomicsHistoryGeographyPsychologyScienceComputerFine Arts & CraftsGeneral KnowledgeInformation TechnologyPhilosophyPhysiologySpoken EnglishYogaCompetitive ExamsGeneral StudiesLaw
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIBABBALLBCompetitive ExamExtra CurriculumCivil Services ExamB.Ed
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8 years of teaching experience at various institutions and for competitive exams alongwith 6 years o...

Gurgaon, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122001

8 years of teaching experience at various institutions and for competitive exams alongwith 6 years o...

Gurgaon, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122001

MathematicsPhysicsChemistryQuantitative AptitudeVerbal Aptitude
Class IXClass XClass XIClass XII
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Tutoring for more than 15 years online and home tutor for class 9 to 12, Mathematics and science...

Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, 110092

Tutoring for more than 15 years online and home tutor for class 9 to 12, Mathematics and science...

Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, 110092

Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XII
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Home Tutor Yogyata Gautam 110092 T37fe9fd6dde5e4
Yogyata Gautam
Class XIClass XIIB.ScCompetitive Exam

Delhi, Delhi, 110092

Home Tutor Hamid Noor 26999 T486b4b61e156ef
Hamid Sir
Class VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass X


Home Tutor Neha Panjeta 134203 Ta9441e605722ea
Neha Panjeta
PTE Academic Exam Coaching
Class XIClass XIIDiplomaBAB.ScB.ComCompetitive Exam

Naraingarh, Haryana, 134203

Home Tutor Sonal Sinha 560043 Taad42ce3ad00fe
Class VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.Sc

Bangalore [Bangalore], Karnataka, 560043

Home Tutor Dhirendra Kumar Singh 201306 T52000897f60436
Class VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass X

Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 201306

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