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I have cleared UGC NET, SET , and Have lot of experience In SST and Humanities subject...

Bhaderwah, doda, Jammu and Kashmir, 182222

I have cleared UGC NET, SET , and Have lot of experience In SST and Humanities subject...

Bhaderwah, doda, Jammu and Kashmir, 182222

Political ScienceSocial ScienceComputer ScienceHistoryGeographyPsychologyPhysical ScienceEnvironmental StudiesHealth and Physical EducationB.Ed Entrance CoachingCentral Teacher Eligibility CoachingCommunication SkillComputerCsir NetEconomic GeographyEducationIndia Socio Political Economics System & Current AffairsKas Exam CoachingPhilosophyPublic AdministrationSociologySub-Inspector Exam CoachingUGC NET Exam CoachingSocial StudiesPre Marriage Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfCounselling Services for Personal ProblemsCounselling Services for Sexual HarassmentWeight LossIndian PolityIndian Polity & GovernanceEnvironmentEnvironmental Science
KindergartenClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaBAMACompetitive ExamCivil Services ExamB.EdUndergraduatePostgraduateNurseryPre-Nursery
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Provide you the understanding of topics very precisly and creative will make u able to learn subject...

Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, 211003

Provide you the understanding of topics very precisly and creative will make u able to learn subject...

Allahabad, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, 211003

MathematicsEnglishPolitical ScienceEnglish (Group-B)PhysicsChemistryBiologyHindiSocial ScienceComputer ScienceAccountancyEconomicsHistoryGeographyPsychologyScienceLife ScienceEnvironmental StudiesArtificial IntelligenceBank Clerical Exam CoachingBanking and InsuranceBusiness communicationBusiness EconomicsBusiness LawsC++ComputerComputer Application in BusinessComputer ArchitectureComputer GraphicsComputer NetworkComputer OrganisationComputer Science And EngineeringComputers Applications in ManagementData And File StructuresData StructureDatabase Management SystemDataware House & Data MiningDesign & Analysis Of AlgorithmsEducationEmail WritingEmbedded SystemsEngineering Entrance CoachingHuman Resource ManagementInformation TechnologyInformation Technology ManagementInternet TechnologyManagement Information SystemManagement ProcessManagerial Skill DevelopmentObject Oriented Analysis And DesignOperating SystemOperation ResearchOral And Wireless CommunicationQuantitative AptitudeRailway ExamSoftware EngineeringMs OfficeEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Parent Child Counselling ServicesDepression Counselling ServicesOpposite Sex Counselling ServicesStress Counselling ServicesSpiritual Counselling ServicesStress Counselling in PondicherryPre Marriage Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfCounselling Services for CorporatesWellnessPhysical FitnessSpoken HindiBusiness Management
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIBAB.ScBCACompetitive ExamProgramming LanguagesWeb TechnologyExtra CurriculumLanguagesB.EdKidsChildrenYouth
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Strive for excellence.

Navi Mumbai Panvel, Raigarhmh, Maharashtra, 410209

Strive for excellence.

Navi Mumbai Panvel, Raigarhmh, Maharashtra, 410209

MathematicsPhysicsChemistryBiologyScienceMCAT CoachingAIEEEChemical EngineeringD.MathGate ExamIIT CoachingNational Scholarship Exam CoachingPSAT/NMSQT CoachingQuantitative AptitudeQuantitative MethodsQuantitative Methods for BusinessRailway ExamRbi ExamYogaEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPhysical FitnessWeight LossVedic Maths
Class VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.ScB.TechMBACompetitive ExamLanguagesJEE AdvancedNEETIITGraduate
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Learn chemistry very easily and strengthen your concepts. Unleash your hidden supernatural powers to...

Bengaluru, Whitefield, Karnataka, 560066

Learn chemistry very easily and strengthen your concepts. Unleash your hidden supernatural powers to...

Bengaluru, Whitefield, Karnataka, 560066

MathematicsPhysicsChemistryBiologySciencePhysical ScienceAIEEEAIIMSCET CoachingIIT CoachingIit Jam CoachingMedical Entrance CoachingNeet Ug Coaching
Class IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaB.ScB.ComB.TechM.ScCompetitive ExamJEE MainJEE AdvancedNEETIITGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduateBITSATCET
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Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Telangana, 500013


Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Telangana, 500013

Business communicationCommunication SkillEducationPublic SpeakingSpoken EnglishVocabulary buildingHindi Grammer
DiplomaBAB.ScB.ComBBABCAB.TechLLBMAM.ScM.ComMBAMCAM.TechMBBSCompetitive ExamProgramming LanguagesWeb TechnologyExtra CurriculumDanceBHAMHASSCCivil Services ExamB.EdB.El.EdB.ArchITIPolytechnicNursingKidsChildrenHobbyistYouthLLMChartered AccountantCA IntermediateBAF IndiaBMSJEE MainJEE AdvancedNEETIITMusicGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduateCA FoundationCA IPCCPGDCABDSBFABITSATCETBSc NursingNurseryPre-Nursery
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Each Can Teach

Jajapur (Jajpur), Jajpur, Odisha, 755025

Each Can Teach

Jajapur (Jajpur), Jajpur, Odisha, 755025

Class VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XII
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Chemistry by Mawrie

Shillong, East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, 793012

Chemistry by Mawrie

Shillong, East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya, 793012

Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.ScNursing
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Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out....

Dinhata, Coochbehar, West Bengal, 736135

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out....

Dinhata, Coochbehar, West Bengal, 736135

MathematicsPhysicsScienceCentral Teacher Eligibility CoachingFluid MechanicsGate ExamGMAT CoachingMechanical EngineeringQuantitative AptitudeMaterial Science
Class VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaB.TechCompetitive Exam
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Satisfy all your tuition needs.

Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, 110088

Satisfy all your tuition needs.

Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, 110088

MathematicsEnglishEnglish (Group-B)PhysicsChemistryBiologyComputer ScienceScienceCompiler DesignComputerComputer Application in BusinessComputer ArchitectureComputer NetworkComputer OrganisationComputer Science And EngineeringComputers Applications in ManagementHTML
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XDiplomaBCAB.TechITIPolytechnicGraduateUndergraduate
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Learning is a never ending process.(Mathematics,Computer Science) By Pabitra Kumar Tripathy, about 1...

Brahmapur, Ganjam, Odisha, 760010

Learning is a never ending process.(Mathematics,Computer Science) By Pabitra Kumar Tripathy, about 1...

Brahmapur, Ganjam, Odisha, 760010

MathematicsComputer ScienceC++Compiler DesignComputer GraphicsComputer Science And EngineeringD.MathData StructureDatabase Management SystemDesign & Analysis Of AlgorithmsFormal Language & Automata TheoryJavaMath OlympiadScience Olympiad
Class VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaB.TechM.ScMCA
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Assurance for better result and improved learning

Lalru, Mohali, Punjab, 140501

Assurance for better result and improved learning

Lalru, Mohali, Punjab, 140501

MathematicsEnglishPhysicsAccountancyEconomicsScienceAccounting for ManagersAccounting Information SystemsBusiness communicationBusiness EconomicsBusiness Ethics & Corporate goveranceBusiness LawsBusiness OrganisationBusiness Organization and EnvironmentCMA (Cost and Management Accountant)Corporate AccountingCost AccountingE-BusinessE CommerceFinancial ManagementScience OlympiadStatisticsBusiness Studies
Class IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIBAB.ComBBAMAM.ComMBA
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Miss Jyoti

Bengaluru, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560066

Miss Jyoti

Bengaluru, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560066

BiologyLife ScienceBio-ChemistryBio-Medical ScienceMicrobiology
Class VIIClass VIIIClass XClass XIB.Sc
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Let's explore the art of learning together.... Aptitude and engineering (ECE)classes by Deepika...

Tirupur, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, 642203

Let's explore the art of learning together.... Aptitude and engineering (ECE)classes by Deepika...

Tirupur, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, 642203

Control SystemAnalog CommunicationCDigital ElectronicsElectronics And Communication EngineeringQuantitative Aptitude
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Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) for UPSC/STATE PSC/ COLLEGE /HIGHER SECONDARY e...

Bhaderwah, Doda, Jammu and Kashmir, 182222

Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) for UPSC/STATE PSC/ COLLEGE /HIGHER SECONDARY e...

Bhaderwah, Doda, Jammu and Kashmir, 182222

EnglishPolitical ScienceSocial ScienceHistoryGeographyGeneral KnowledgePhilosophyUPSC Exams CoachingUrduReading & WritingSocial StudiesEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPersonality Development Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Parent Child Counselling ServicesDepression Counselling ServicesStress Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfCivicsIndian PolityIndian Polity & GovernanceCurrent Affairs
Class VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIBAMALanguagesCivil Services ExamKidsChildrenGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduate
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Helping Students To Reach Their Potential

Bangalore [Bangalore], Bangalore, Karnataka, 560038

Helping Students To Reach Their Potential

Bangalore [Bangalore], Bangalore, Karnataka, 560038

MathematicsEnglishPhysicsChemistrySocial ScienceAccountancyEconomicsHistoryGeographyScienceArabicCommunication SkillEmail WritingFinancial AccountingGeneral KnowledgeHTMLMarketingNutritionOperating SystemPublic SpeakingSpoken EnglishStatisticsUrduMs OfficeMS DOSDigital MarketingBusiness StudiesReading & WritingUKG All SubjectsUKG LanguageUKG General AwarenessMathematics IAMathematics IBMathematics IIAMathematics IIBNDA MathematicsSocial StudiesEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPersonality Development Counselling ServicesParent Child Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfWellnessPersonal GroomingVedic MathsSpoken HindiCivicsCommerceBusiness ManagementBusinessAccountsPrinciples of MarketingAlphabetsNumbersVocabulary buildingSentence StructureHindi GrammerApplied MathematicsOrganic chemistryBusiness StatisticsEnvironmental Science
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.ComWeb TechnologyLanguagesKidsChildrenYouthGraduateUndergraduatePGDCANurseryPre-Nursery
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Learning won’t Stop. I am Sathyan, can teach spoken English, grammar, literature for all classes.I...

Bengaluru, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560084

Learning won’t Stop. I am Sathyan, can teach spoken English, grammar, literature for all classes.I...

Bengaluru, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560084

EnglishBusiness communicationCommunication SkillEmail WritingHotel Management Entrance CoachingPresentation skillsSpoken EnglishLiteratureReading & WritingIELTS Trainning
Class VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaBAB.ScB.ComBBABCAB.TechLLBMAM.ScM.ComMBAMCAM.TechExtra CurriculumLanguagesITIPolytechnicHobbyistYouthGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduate
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English speaking, tuitions Nursery till 8th standard, Art & craft...

Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, 110096

English speaking, tuitions Nursery till 8th standard, Art & craft...

Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, 110096

MathematicsEnglishHindiSocial ScienceComputer ScienceGeographyEnvironmental StudiesComputerCookingDrawing & PaintingFine Arts & CraftsPublic SpeakingSanskritSpoken EnglishMs OfficeUKG All SubjectsUKG LanguageUKG NumbersUKG General AwarenessUKG Environmental ScienceUKG Other ActivitiesSpoken HindiHome Science
KindergartenClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIExtra CurriculumPolytechnicKidsChildrenHobbyist
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Ghaziabad, ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201012


Ghaziabad, ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201012

MathematicsEnglishPolitical ScienceEnglish (Group-B)PhysicsChemistryBiologyHindiHindi (Group - A)Hindi (Group - B)Social ScienceComputer ScienceAccountancyEconomicsHistoryGeographyPsychologyEnglish (Group-A)SciencePhysical ScienceLife ScienceEnvironmental StudiesHealth and Physical EducationNTSE exam coachingControl SystemICWA CoachingCLAT CoachingCPA CoachingAccounting for ManagersAccounting Information SystemsAdvance Placement Testes CoachingAIIMSAlternative EnglishB.Ed Entrance CoachingBank Clerical Exam CoachingBanking and InsuranceBanking Regulations & OperationsBanking Technology and ManagementBasic Electrical EngineeringBBA Entrance CoachingBio-ChemistryBio-Medical ScienceBiotechnologyBotanyBusiness communicationBusiness EconomicsBusiness Ethics & Corporate goveranceBusiness LawsBusiness OrganisationBusiness Organization and EnvironmentBusiness Research MethodsCA CoachingCALLB Exam CoachingCentral Teacher Eligibility CoachingCeptam CoachingCET CoachingChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringCMA (Cost and Management Accountant)CMA CoachingCollege Essay CoachingCommunication SkillCompany SecretaryCompany Secretary (CS) CoachingComputerComputer Application in BusinessComputer Science And EngineeringComputers Applications in ManagementCorporate AccountingCorporate Environment Cost AccountingCsir NetD.MathData And File StructuresData StructureDatabase Management SystemDigital ElectronicsDiploma Cet CoachingDSSSB Exam CoachingE-BusinessE CommerceEconomic GeographyEducationElectrical And Electronics Measuring InstrumentsElectrical EngineeringElectrical Engineering DrawingElectronicsElectronics And Communication EngineeringEmail WritingEngineering Entrance CoachingEnglish OlympiadEnvironmental Management & Corporate Social ResponsibilityFinancial AccountingFinancial Accounting And ManagementFinancial DerivativesFinancial ManagementFinancial Systems and ServicesFine Arts & CraftsFundamentals Of AccountingGate ExamGeneral KnowledgeGeologyGMAT CoachingHigh Voltage EngineeringHome ManagementHotel Management Entrance CoachingHuman Resource ManagementIBPS Exams CoachingIIT CoachingIit Jam CoachingIncome Tax LawIndia Socio Political Economics System & Current AffairsIndian Financial SystemIndustrial EngineeringInformation TechnologyInformation Technology ManagementInternational BusinessInternational Environment and ManagementInternet TechnologyInvestment Analysis And Portfolio ManagementJALLB Exam CoachingLAWCET CoachingLogical ReasoningManagement AccountingManagement Information SystemManagement ProcessManagement ScienceManagerial EconomicsManagerial Skill DevelopmentMarketingMarketing ManagementMath OlympiadMBAMBA Entrance CoachingMechanical EngineeringMechanics of SolidsMedical Entrance CoachingMFA (Master of Financial Administration)Micro and Macro EconomicsMicro-BiologyMicroelectronics & VLSI designMicroprocessor & MicrocontrollersModern Computer ApplicationNational Entrance Screening Test CoachingNational Scholarship Exam CoachingNeet Ug CoachingNift CoachingNon Verbal AptitudeObject Technology & UmlObject Oriented Analysis And DesignOperating SystemOperation ResearchOral And Wireless CommunicationOrganization commerce and managementOther EngineeringPersonal Tax PlanningPhilosophyPhysiologyPost Graduate Common Entrance TestPower ElectronicsPower System GenerationPresentation skillsPrinciple of Communication EnggProblem Solving And ProgrammingProduction and Operations ManagementProject ManagementPSC Exam CoachingPTE Academic Exam CoachingPublic AdministrationPublic Sector Undertaking ExamPublic SpeakingQuantitative AptitudeQuantitative MethodsQuantitative Methods for BusinessRailway ExamRbi ExamResearch MethodologyRetail ManagementRF and Microwave Engg.Risk ManagementSanskritSbi ExamScience OlympiadServices ManagementSociologySoftware EngineeringSpoken EnglishSSB CoachingStaff Selection Commission ExamStatistical TechniquesStatisticsSub-Inspector Exam CoachingSwitch Gear ProductionSystem Software And AdministrationTestDafTET CoachingTransmission And DistributionUGC NET Exam CoachingUPSC Exams CoachingVerbal AptitudeVisual ProgrammingWeb TechnologyZoologyMs OfficeGW Basic ProgrammingCPTGeotechnical EngineeringTransportation EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringHydraulic StructureWater Resources EngineeringIrrigation EngineeringLiteratureForensic Medicine & ToxicologyMicrobiologyMedicineIndian Economic DevelopmentDigital MarketingBusiness StudiesGlobal PerspectivesReading & WritingUKG All SubjectsUKG LanguageUKG NumbersUKG General AwarenessUKG Environmental ScienceUKG Other ActivitiesMathematics IAMathematics IBMathematics IIAMathematics IIBNDA MathematicsASP.NETSocial StudiesEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPersonality Development Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Healthy LifestyleCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Parent Child Counselling ServicesDepression Counselling ServicesCouple Conflict Counselling ServicesPost Marriage Counselling ServicesOpposite Sex Counselling ServicesStress Counselling ServicesSpiritual Counselling ServicesStress Counselling in PondicherryPre Marriage Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfCounselling Services for CorporatesCounselling Services for Pregnant WomenCounselling Services for Personal ProblemsCounselling Services for Sexual HarassmentWellnessPhysical FitnessWeight LossVedic MathsNDA CoachingFinancial Risk ManagerCertified Fraud ExaminerBig DataData ScienceSpoken HindiMetallurgical EngineeringCivicsCommerceBusiness ManagementModern Indian LanguageHome ScienceLegal StudiesDirect taxIntroduction to Logistics and SCMTransportation & Distribution ManagementWarehousing & Inventory ManagementImport & ExportInternational Trade MattersForeign Trade MattersBusinessAccountsSecretarial PracticeTaxationEngineering MathematicsMaterial ScienceEarth ScienceAtmospheric ScienceElectricalCompetitive ExamsPrinciples of MarketingEnvironmental ManagementPrinciples of ManagementEffective CommunicationIndia Socio-Political EconomicsIndian PolityCSSEngineering DrawingIndian Polity & GovernanceEnvironmentEcologyCurrent AffairsHistologyLegal MethodMidwifery and Obstetrical NursingManagement of Nursing Services and EducationAdvanced English GrammarNovelsPoetryAlphabetsNumbersPatternsColors and ShapesVocabulary buildingSentence StructureHindi GrammerSQLIntellectual Property RightsCorporate GovernanceCompany LawApplied MathematicsLife Skills & Career GuidanceOrganizational behaviorBranding & AdvertisingManagementApplication performance managementOrganic chemistryEntrepreneurship DevelopmentLifespan developmentEarly childhood educationChildren with Special NeedsGeneral StudiesCorporate LawManagement Principals and ApplicationsAuditing & Corporate GovernanceBusiness StatisticsLawNumerical TechniqueDiscrete MathematicsAdvanced Java J2EEDiscrete Computational StructuresBasic ElectronicsCarnatic MusicPolitical AnalysisPublic ChoiceFinanceEnvironmental ScienceInformation PracticesAdvanced Micro ConvinceElectronics
KindergartenClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaBAB.ScB.ComBBABCAB.TechLLBMAM.ScM.ComMBAMCAM.TechCompetitive ExamProgramming LanguagesWeb TechnologyExtra CurriculumLanguagesBHAMHASSCCivil Services ExamB.EdB.El.EdB.ArchITIPolytechnicNursingKidsChildrenHobbyistYouthLLMChartered AccountantCA IntermediateBAF IndiaBMSJEE MainJEE AdvancedNEETIITMusicGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduateCA FoundationCA IPCCPGDCABDSBFABITSATCETBSc NursingNurseryPre-Nursery
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Thiruvananthapuram [Trivandrum], Trivandrum, Kerala, 695002


Thiruvananthapuram [Trivandrum], Trivandrum, Kerala, 695002

MathematicsEnglishPhysicsChemistryBiologyHindiEconomicsHistoryGeographySciencePhysical ScienceLife ScienceEnvironmental StudiesBotanyBusiness communicationBusiness EconomicsBusiness Ethics & Corporate goveranceBusiness OrganisationBusiness Organization and EnvironmentBusiness Research MethodsCivil EngineeringComputerCookingElectronicsEnvironmental Management & Corporate Social ResponsibilityFluid MechanicsGeologyHuman Resource ManagementManagement Information SystemManagement ProcessManagement ScienceManagerial EconomicsMBAProduction and Operations ManagementProject ManagementQuantitative AptitudeQuantitative MethodsQuantitative Methods for BusinessBuilding MaterialsEnvironmental EngineeringBusiness StudiesIntroduction to Logistics and SCMBusinessPrinciples of ManagementEnvironmentHindi Grammer
Class VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaB.ScBBAB.TechMBAPolytechnicGraduateUndergraduate
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Think commerce think sujit sir. Commerce papers are very practical paper so with proper guidance yo...

Bhubaneswar, Khurda, Odisha, 751012

Think commerce think sujit sir. Commerce papers are very practical paper so with proper guidance yo...

Bhubaneswar, Khurda, Odisha, 751012

AccountancyCost AccountingDirect taxTaxationCompany LawAuditing & Corporate Governance
Class XIClass XIIB.ComCA Foundation
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Home Tutor Saurabh Bhattacharya 492009 T16e8cd329752d5
Saurabh Bhattacharya
MathematicsEnglishPolitical SciencePhysicsChemistryBiologyComputer ScienceEconomicsHistoryScienceCSQL
Class VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XCompetitive ExamExtra Curriculum

Raipur, Chhattisgarh, 492009

Home Tutor Khadeejah Imran 96 T6f6c139bf5306d
Miss Khadeejah
Class IIIClass IVClass V


Home Tutor Prashant Kumar 815311 T0fa55f101f9028
Prashant Sir
Class IXClass XClass XIClass XII

Giridih, Jharkhand, 815311

Home Tutor Prateek Tripathi 560068 Tc2891a2a4960f1
Prateek Sir
MathematicsEnglishPolitical SciencePhysicsSocial ScienceComputer ScienceHistoryPython
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XII

Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560068

Home Tutor Sujeet Kumar 600100 T026f10d0b3d5bb
Kumar Sir
ICWA Coaching
B.ComCA Intermediate

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600100

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