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Learning won’t Stop. Lets learn and grow together ....

Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700104

Learning won’t Stop. Lets learn and grow together ....

Kolkata, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700104

MathematicsScienceControl SystemDigital ElectronicsDigital Electronics & Logic DesignGate ExamMath OlympiadQuantitative AptitudeBasic Electronics
Class IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.TechJEE Main
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Learning won’t Stop. Mathematics , social science tuition by ASHISH PAL(4 years of experience)...

Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 221003

Learning won’t Stop. Mathematics , social science tuition by ASHISH PAL(4 years of experience)...

Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 221003

EnglishPolitical SciencePhysicsHindiSocial ScienceHistoryPsychologyEnvironmental StudiesControl System
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XII
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Physics Tutor । Guest College Teacher । 4 yrs Teaching Experience । Uses PC Smartphone Stylus...

Dalkola, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, 733201

Physics Tutor । Guest College Teacher । 4 yrs Teaching Experience । Uses PC Smartphone Stylus...

Dalkola, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, 733201

Class IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.Sc
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Theoretical physicist

Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400017

Theoretical physicist

Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400017

MathematicsPhysicsChemistryBiologyScienceAIEEEAIIMSBio-Medical ScienceCET CoachingFluid MechanicsIIT CoachingMedical Entrance CoachingNeet Ug CoachingPhilosophySlow LearnersZoologyAnatomyMicrobiologyMathematics IAMathematics IBMathematics IIAMathematics IIBNDA MathematicsSpoken HindiCompetitive ExamsColors and Shapes
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XII
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Mathematics expert with teaching experience of 5years....

Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, 110045

Mathematics expert with teaching experience of 5years....

Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, 110045

MathematicsCentral Teacher Eligibility CoachingFluid MechanicsGate ExamMechanical EngineeringQuantitative Aptitude
Class IXClass XClass XIClass XIIJEE MainJEE Advanced
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You and Your voice matters. As a counseor , i provide you with a space where you can let go of your ...

Rohtak, Rohtak, Haryana, 124001

You and Your voice matters. As a counseor , i provide you with a space where you can let go of your ...

Rohtak, Rohtak, Haryana, 124001

BiologyPsychologyGate ExamLearning DisabilityPhysiologyZoologyPsychiatryEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPersonality Development Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Healthy LifestyleCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Parent Child Counselling ServicesDepression Counselling ServicesCouple Conflict Counselling ServicesPost Marriage Counselling ServicesStress Counselling ServicesPre Marriage Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfCounselling Services for CorporatesCounselling Services for Pregnant WomenCounselling Services for Personal ProblemsCounselling Services for Sexual Harassment
Class XIClass XIIDiplomaBAB.ScB.ComMAM.ScMBACompetitive ExamSSCCivil Services ExamB.EdPolytechnicNursingGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduate
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Your direction decides your destination.

Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Telangana, 500039

Your direction decides your destination.

Hyderabad, Rangareddy, Telangana, 500039

MathematicsPhysicsControl SystemBasic Electrical EngineeringDigital ElectronicsDigital Electronics & Logic DesignElectrical EngineeringElectronicsElectronics And Communication EngineeringEngineering Entrance CoachingGate ExamIIT CoachingElectronics
Class VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaB.TechCompetitive ExamYouth
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I can help you write better code for web development...

Nautanwa, Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh, 273164

I can help you write better code for web development...

Nautanwa, Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh, 273164

MathematicsComputer ScienceComputerComputer Science And Engineering
Class VIIIClass XBCAB.Tech
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Computer Science Teacher with 3.5 year experience

Alappuzha, Alappuzha, Kerala, 689624

Computer Science Teacher with 3.5 year experience

Alappuzha, Alappuzha, Kerala, 689624

Computer SciencePythonArtificial IntelligenceAssembly Language ProgrammingAutomataCC++Compiler DesignComputerComputer Application in BusinessComputer ArchitectureComputer GraphicsComputer NetworkComputer OrganisationComputer Science And EngineeringComputers Applications in ManagementCryptography And Network SecurityData StructureDatabase Management SystemDataware House & Data MiningDesign & Analysis Of AlgorithmsDigital Electronics & Logic DesignInformation TechnologyInternet TechnologyOperating SystemVisual BasicCSSSQL
Class XIIDiplomaB.ScBCAB.TechM.ScMCAM.TechProgramming LanguagesWeb TechnologyITIPolytechnicGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduate
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My passion belongs to teach. Learn to speak English fluently by Fardeen khan and I am having 2 years...

Meerut, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, 250002

My passion belongs to teach. Learn to speak English fluently by Fardeen khan and I am having 2 years...

Meerut, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, 250002

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Holistic Development, Personality Development, Business Ideas, Computer Science and Technology, Prim...

Meerut, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, 250001

Holistic Development, Personality Development, Business Ideas, Computer Science and Technology, Prim...

Meerut, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, 250001

MathematicsPhysicsChemistrySocial ScienceComputer ScienceHistoryGeographyScienceMarketingMarketing ManagementDigital MarketingPrinciples of MarketingBranding & AdvertisingManagement
Class VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XProgramming LanguagesExtra CurriculumYouth
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M.Tech In Computer Science and Engineering . All Computer Science and IT subjects. All other Subjec...

Kanjirappalli, Kottayam, Kerala, 686518

M.Tech In Computer Science and Engineering . All Computer Science and IT subjects. All other Subjec...

Kanjirappalli, Kottayam, Kerala, 686518

Social ScienceComputer ScienceEconomicsHistoryGeographyArtificial IntelligenceCC++ComputerComputer Application in BusinessComputer ArchitectureComputer GraphicsComputer NetworkComputer OrganisationComputer Science And EngineeringDatabase Management SystemDesign & Analysis Of AlgorithmsHTMLInformation TechnologyInternet TechnologyMalayalamModern Computer ApplicationOperating SystemPHPProblem Solving And ProgrammingSoftware EngineeringWeb TechnologyMs OfficeBig DataHadoop
KindergartenClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.ComBCAB.TechM.ComMCAM.Tech
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Patna, Patna, Bihar, 800006


Patna, Patna, Bihar, 800006

Political Science
Class VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIB.TechCompetitive ExamExtra Curriculum
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Helping Students to understand the subject

Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201016

Helping Students to understand the subject

Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201016

MathematicsPhysicsScienceAnalog CommunicationBasic Electrical EngineeringCircuit Theory & NetworksDigital ElectronicsDigital Electronics & Logic DesignElectronicsElectronics And Communication EngineeringPrinciple of Communication EnggProject ManagementBasic Electronics
Class VIIIClass IXClass XB.TechPolytechnicHobbyist
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Hooray for Red, White, and Blue! I am the tutoring place for you!...

Berhampur, Ganjam, Odisha, 760010

Hooray for Red, White, and Blue! I am the tutoring place for you!...

Berhampur, Ganjam, Odisha, 760010

PhysicsDigital ElectronicsDigital Electronics & Logic DesignElectronicsElectronics And Communication EngineeringElectronics
Class XIClass XIIB.Tech
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Just feel it .

Noida, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 201305

Just feel it .

Noida, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 201305

Class XIClass XIICompetitive ExamJEE MainJEE AdvancedNEETIIT
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Hello I am Shobhit Agarwal a Mathematics Teacher with More than 10 Year Experience...

Meerut, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, 250002

Hello I am Shobhit Agarwal a Mathematics Teacher with More than 10 Year Experience...

Meerut, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, 250002

MathematicsScienceFluid MechanicsMechanical EngineeringOperation ResearchApplied Mathematics
Class VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XB.TechPolytechnic
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Ghaziabad, ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201012


Ghaziabad, ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201012

MathematicsEnglishPolitical ScienceEnglish (Group-B)PhysicsChemistryBiologyHindiHindi (Group - A)Hindi (Group - B)Social ScienceComputer ScienceAccountancyEconomicsHistoryGeographyPsychologyEnglish (Group-A)SciencePhysical ScienceLife ScienceEnvironmental StudiesHealth and Physical EducationNTSE exam coachingControl SystemICWA CoachingCLAT CoachingCPA CoachingAccounting for ManagersAccounting Information SystemsAdvance Placement Testes CoachingAIIMSAlternative EnglishB.Ed Entrance CoachingBank Clerical Exam CoachingBanking and InsuranceBanking Regulations & OperationsBanking Technology and ManagementBasic Electrical EngineeringBBA Entrance CoachingBio-ChemistryBio-Medical ScienceBiotechnologyBotanyBusiness communicationBusiness EconomicsBusiness Ethics & Corporate goveranceBusiness LawsBusiness OrganisationBusiness Organization and EnvironmentBusiness Research MethodsCA CoachingCALLB Exam CoachingCentral Teacher Eligibility CoachingCeptam CoachingCET CoachingChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringCMA (Cost and Management Accountant)CMA CoachingCollege Essay CoachingCommunication SkillCompany SecretaryCompany Secretary (CS) CoachingComputerComputer Application in BusinessComputer Science And EngineeringComputers Applications in ManagementCorporate AccountingCorporate Environment Cost AccountingCsir NetD.MathData And File StructuresData StructureDatabase Management SystemDigital ElectronicsDiploma Cet CoachingDSSSB Exam CoachingE-BusinessE CommerceEconomic GeographyEducationElectrical And Electronics Measuring InstrumentsElectrical EngineeringElectrical Engineering DrawingElectronicsElectronics And Communication EngineeringEmail WritingEngineering Entrance CoachingEnglish OlympiadEnvironmental Management & Corporate Social ResponsibilityFinancial AccountingFinancial Accounting And ManagementFinancial DerivativesFinancial ManagementFinancial Systems and ServicesFine Arts & CraftsFundamentals Of AccountingGate ExamGeneral KnowledgeGeologyGMAT CoachingHigh Voltage EngineeringHome ManagementHotel Management Entrance CoachingHuman Resource ManagementIBPS Exams CoachingIIT CoachingIit Jam CoachingIncome Tax LawIndia Socio Political Economics System & Current AffairsIndian Financial SystemIndustrial EngineeringInformation TechnologyInformation Technology ManagementInternational BusinessInternational Environment and ManagementInternet TechnologyInvestment Analysis And Portfolio ManagementJALLB Exam CoachingLAWCET CoachingLogical ReasoningManagement AccountingManagement Information SystemManagement ProcessManagement ScienceManagerial EconomicsManagerial Skill DevelopmentMarketingMarketing ManagementMath OlympiadMBAMBA Entrance CoachingMechanical EngineeringMechanics of SolidsMedical Entrance CoachingMFA (Master of Financial Administration)Micro and Macro EconomicsMicro-BiologyMicroelectronics & VLSI designMicroprocessor & MicrocontrollersModern Computer ApplicationNational Entrance Screening Test CoachingNational Scholarship Exam CoachingNeet Ug CoachingNift CoachingNon Verbal AptitudeObject Technology & UmlObject Oriented Analysis And DesignOperating SystemOperation ResearchOral And Wireless CommunicationOrganization commerce and managementOther EngineeringPersonal Tax PlanningPhilosophyPhysiologyPost Graduate Common Entrance TestPower ElectronicsPower System GenerationPresentation skillsPrinciple of Communication EnggProblem Solving And ProgrammingProduction and Operations ManagementProject ManagementPSC Exam CoachingPTE Academic Exam CoachingPublic AdministrationPublic Sector Undertaking ExamPublic SpeakingQuantitative AptitudeQuantitative MethodsQuantitative Methods for BusinessRailway ExamRbi ExamResearch MethodologyRetail ManagementRF and Microwave Engg.Risk ManagementSanskritSbi ExamScience OlympiadServices ManagementSociologySoftware EngineeringSpoken EnglishSSB CoachingStaff Selection Commission ExamStatistical TechniquesStatisticsSub-Inspector Exam CoachingSwitch Gear ProductionSystem Software And AdministrationTestDafTET CoachingTransmission And DistributionUGC NET Exam CoachingUPSC Exams CoachingVerbal AptitudeVisual ProgrammingWeb TechnologyZoologyMs OfficeGW Basic ProgrammingCPTGeotechnical EngineeringTransportation EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringEarthquake EngineeringHydraulic StructureWater Resources EngineeringIrrigation EngineeringLiteratureForensic Medicine & ToxicologyMicrobiologyMedicineIndian Economic DevelopmentDigital MarketingBusiness StudiesGlobal PerspectivesReading & WritingUKG All SubjectsUKG LanguageUKG NumbersUKG General AwarenessUKG Environmental ScienceUKG Other ActivitiesMathematics IAMathematics IBMathematics IIAMathematics IIBNDA MathematicsASP.NETSocial StudiesEmotional Counselling Services for School and College studentsPersonality Development Counselling ServicesCounselling Services for Healthy LifestyleCounselling Services for Ethics (moral Values)Parent Child Counselling ServicesDepression Counselling ServicesCouple Conflict Counselling ServicesPost Marriage Counselling ServicesOpposite Sex Counselling ServicesStress Counselling ServicesSpiritual Counselling ServicesStress Counselling in PondicherryPre Marriage Counselling ServicesCounselling Service for Gaining Confidence in Ones Own SelfCounselling Services for CorporatesCounselling Services for Pregnant WomenCounselling Services for Personal ProblemsCounselling Services for Sexual HarassmentWellnessPhysical FitnessWeight LossVedic MathsNDA CoachingFinancial Risk ManagerCertified Fraud ExaminerBig DataData ScienceSpoken HindiMetallurgical EngineeringCivicsCommerceBusiness ManagementModern Indian LanguageHome ScienceLegal StudiesDirect taxIntroduction to Logistics and SCMTransportation & Distribution ManagementWarehousing & Inventory ManagementImport & ExportInternational Trade MattersForeign Trade MattersBusinessAccountsSecretarial PracticeTaxationEngineering MathematicsMaterial ScienceEarth ScienceAtmospheric ScienceElectricalCompetitive ExamsPrinciples of MarketingEnvironmental ManagementPrinciples of ManagementEffective CommunicationIndia Socio-Political EconomicsIndian PolityCSSEngineering DrawingIndian Polity & GovernanceEnvironmentEcologyCurrent AffairsHistologyLegal MethodMidwifery and Obstetrical NursingManagement of Nursing Services and EducationAdvanced English GrammarNovelsPoetryAlphabetsNumbersPatternsColors and ShapesVocabulary buildingSentence StructureHindi GrammerSQLIntellectual Property RightsCorporate GovernanceCompany LawApplied MathematicsLife Skills & Career GuidanceOrganizational behaviorBranding & AdvertisingManagementApplication performance managementOrganic chemistryEntrepreneurship DevelopmentLifespan developmentEarly childhood educationChildren with Special NeedsGeneral StudiesCorporate LawManagement Principals and ApplicationsAuditing & Corporate GovernanceBusiness StatisticsLawNumerical TechniqueDiscrete MathematicsAdvanced Java J2EEDiscrete Computational StructuresBasic ElectronicsCarnatic MusicPolitical AnalysisPublic ChoiceFinanceEnvironmental ScienceInformation PracticesAdvanced Micro ConvinceElectronics
KindergartenClass IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaBAB.ScB.ComBBABCAB.TechLLBMAM.ScM.ComMBAMCAM.TechCompetitive ExamProgramming LanguagesWeb TechnologyExtra CurriculumLanguagesBHAMHASSCCivil Services ExamB.EdB.El.EdB.ArchITIPolytechnicNursingKidsChildrenHobbyistYouthLLMChartered AccountantCA IntermediateBAF IndiaBMSJEE MainJEE AdvancedNEETIITMusicGraduateUndergraduatePostgraduateCA FoundationCA IPCCPGDCABDSBFABITSATCETBSc NursingNurseryPre-Nursery
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Data Structure, Operating System, C Programming, Java Programming, Database. Tuition by Rahul Yadav,...

Lucknow, B R A University, Uttar Pradesh, 226025

Data Structure, Operating System, C Programming, Java Programming, Database. Tuition by Rahul Yadav,...

Lucknow, B R A University, Uttar Pradesh, 226025

Computer ScienceAssembly Language ProgrammingBootstrapCData StructureHTMLJavaOperating SystemWeb Technology
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Post Graduate in Mechanical Engineering and Laws with a teaching experience around 9 years...

Thalassery, Kannur, Kerala, 670642

Post Graduate in Mechanical Engineering and Laws with a teaching experience around 9 years...

Thalassery, Kannur, Kerala, 670642

MathematicsCMechanical EngineeringMechanics of Solids
Class XClass XIClass XIIB.TechLLB
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Home Tutor Mohamed Cheddadi 249 T11a2f353ff6bf7
Pr Mohamed
Class VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XIIDiplomaB.ScPolytechnicUndergraduate


Home Tutor Sidaqpreet Singh 144022 T948cd0bb48a27a
Sidaqpreet Sir
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass V

Jalandhar, Punjab, 144022

Home Tutor Manisha Yadav 826001 Tfa0f6a571b3eb0
Class IClass IIClass IIIClass IVClass V

Dhanbad, Jharkhand, 826001

Home Tutor Deepika Sharma 160036 Ta276c1eb70800c
Deepika Mam
Class IVClass VClass VIClass VIIClass VIII

Chandigarh, Chandigarh, 160036

Home Tutor Patrick Joy 110091 Td2a64d14b784ad
Patrick Sir
MathematicsComputer Science
Class VIClass VIIClass VIIIClass IXClass XClass XIClass XII

Delhi, Delhi, 110091

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